Thursday, August 23, 2012


Brenda Hastings is the author of  Our Forbidden Love (The Forbidden Saga)The Supernova Saga. Book one is out now and I have had the chance to read it... WOWZER!! This isn't about your friendly, sparkly vampires! Not a book for the kiddos...

I was lucky enough to catch up with Brenda during a brief few minutes between her writings, to ask her a few questions about OUR FORBIDDEN LOVE.

Hey Brenda! Thanks for doing this interview! In three sentences or less, can you tell us a little bit about your latest release?
Our Forbidden Love is told through Alexia Greene’s words, describing her life as a vampire servant. She tells of her heartache, pain, suffering, fears ... and eventually, love, as she fights to survive in this cold, sadistic world. It’s the first of five books in the series, and opens to a world where not only vampires thrive, but other supernatural creatures as well – all fighting to be considered number one.

Was there a particular event or person that inspired you to write this story? And what genre would you say your release is?
I have always been fond of the supernatural; in particular, vampires. So it didn’t surprise me when I sat down with pen in hand and began writing about them. I wouldn’t say there was one person or event in-particular that inspired this series, as much as I would say my adoration of the concept of beings that did. I have always wondered if such mythological beings could indeed be real.  With today’s pop culture sharing my same interests, I imagine that would be pretty interesting.
Our Forbidden Love, and the entire Forbidden Saga, falls under adult fantasy. This is not for younger audiences; these vampires are evil. The violence and sexual content make this adults only.
You have 24 hours to hang out with one of the characters in your latest release. Who do you pick and what sort of things do you guys do?
I love when people ask me questions like this. Because I wrote the books, I have a good idea of what the main characters, Alexia and Tristan, are thinking. Still, I think I would choose Tristan. The forth book in the series is actually about Tristan. It’s a diary of sorts and explains much about his heritage and how he came to present time when Alexia first met him. I have had the most fun writing that book. I think I have always crushed on Tristan. LOL! His story is the most in depth mysterious.
Can you tell us a little bit about the cover art to your latest release?
My publisher, Danielle, is amazing! She asked what I had in mind for the cover and created an image that exactly matched it! It’s Alexia, and behind her is the manor – where the Wellington family holds her and several other humans captive.
About your writing process- any special quirks, (i.e.- Music v. Silence? Need coffee?) that you would share with us?
When I write, it can’t be silent. LOL! I need to listen to music, it helps set the tone of the scene. Different genre’s for different scenes. At the same time, I can’t have people talking to me or making too much noise around me. For some reason, that is a distraction.
Do you outline before you write? Why or why not?
It depends on the story and how much of it has come to me before I sit down. Sometimes the story comes fast and I can play it out in my head before I ever jot it down, other times I can picture bits and pieces, but not enough to gain ground. Those are the times when I write outlines. Either way, I do take notes. I have dozens of notebooks stocked full of notes.
Aside from your own work, what’s the last thing you read and would you suggest it to others?
It’s been a while since I have read anything, but the last book I read was Pocketful of Fear, by Joseph Rubas. If you are a horror, paranormal, supernatural lover, you will enjoy this book.
About how long did it take you to write your latest work?
My latest is still in the works. Our Forbidden Love took me about a month, two if you count how many times I changed it, and even longer if you count how many alterations I just made during the final edits.
What book(s) are you anticipating win the next few months?
I haven’t had the chance to read it yet, but Tsunami by Crystal Ward just released and I am eagerly looking forward to reading that one. I loved Supernova.

How about a few randoms-
Favorite book? MINE!  I have several books I consider favorites: Being completely unbiased, I love all of the Firefly and Wisp published books.
Favorite movie? Again, I have several. Being silly, my ultimate favorite movie has always been The Little Mermaid.
The ever important, Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
Your “can’t live with outs"? My laptop, cell phone, and friends.
Your biggest supporter in your writing career? My mom, Diane.

Brenda- you totally rock! Thanks so much for answering! Please, tell us where we can stalk...umm, follow you?

I have several pages and always welcome friendly stalkers. :-)

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